segunda-feira, 8 de novembro de 2010

learn to fly... and stay!

(i'm really sorry... i can't "capture" the moment)
i know to fly... i just don't know how to come back home, it's even hard to describe, i don't understand, it's got to be something on me, that call's them, but doesn't let them stay long enough to enjoy the ride...! to be honest, a while ago it wouldn't bother me, but now i hate it, feel's like garbage, to use and throw away!
anyway the problem got to be in me, right?!

quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010


destesto sentir que estou so...
habituei me tanto a ter sempre alguem ao meu lado para me ouvir, que as vezes ate me canso de as ter...
mas sempre que elas se cansam de mim, e me fazem sentir que estou so... caio em mim, e apercebo me que.. nao vale a pena, toda esta vida que levo agora tentando arrastar as ideias que tinha anteriormente, quando o mundo ainda era diferente... quando eu pensava que iria ser diferente, e tudo uma grande mt grande confusao!!!!
estou cansada de tentar perceber de me dividir..

quinta-feira, 6 de maio de 2010

"... as pessoas dao valor a algo quando têm a opurunidade de duvidar se irão ou não conseguir o que desejam."

Paulo Coelho "O vencedor esta só"

quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2010


looking to the picture of that little girl, so innocent, so full with hopes and dreams and expections for her life.. soon to be taken away to the world that traines killers, murderes...
i pitty that little girl...
not knowing that the life she was going to choose, was going to coust all of her mental sanity, all of her kindness, leaving her so empty....
standing alone every night wishing that she could go back and be just a little girl again. i miss her, i miss her innocense so much, i miss when things where so much easier, when hard decisions weren´t part of that litte's girl life....
but deep down i know she is hidden somewhere in the dark repressed, knowing too there is no way she would comeback...!!

hold on... don't ever let go...